In a lot of ways, our girls are lucky to be triplets. They will always have someone to play with, they learn independence and sharing at a very young age, they’ll have plenty of closets to raid when they’re older. But they also will experience some disadvantages as they’re growing up. They HAVE to share most things, they probably won’t have their own rooms or cars, they receive (potentially) unwanted attention just because they are triplets. And the one that bothers me most: they will always be compared to each other. “She’s the prettiest; she’s the smartest; this one is the most athletic; that one is getting a scholarship; the other one gets straight A’s; she’s a soccer star; she’s skinnier; she’s heavier.” OH MY WORD it already gives me anxiety.
They aren’t even a year old yet, and we already compare them to each other! Currently, Abby is the smallest, Pressley is the thickest, and Ellie is the tallest. Pressley walks the best while holding one hand, but Ellie can stand up on her own and does the best in the walker, while Abby walks great if she’s holding two hands. Ellie has the best technique when eating, Pressley eats by the handful, and Abby has become picky.
Those comparisons are irrelevant right now because they will change by tomorrow, and pretty soon all three girls will be walking and eating normally. Their bodies will change sizes and shapes all throughout their lives. What terrifies me the most is when they get a little bit older and they hear somebody whisper, “That one is prettier than the other two.” “Oh my, that one is much heavier than her sisters.”
The point of all of this is to remind myself daily that I need to speak into their confidence and self esteem. As their mother, I need to encourage each one that she’s unique and created just the way God wanted her to be. I hope to always let them know that they are cherished and beautiful just the way they are. That they should never feel pressured to be something they aren’t. That their worth is found in Christ, not what their sisters do/say/look like, and certainly not in what somebody thinks about them.
The funny thing is that, as much as they need to hear this growing up, we need to hear it as adults too. I’m constantly comparing myself to other women who live perfect lives {on social media}. I struggle with finding my worth in Christ rather than in my success as a mom.
So here’s a reminder to you, my daughters, and to myself:
You are created in God’s image, exactly the way He wanted you to be. You are unique and beautiful. Never give into the temptation or pressure to be/do something that isn’t you. Look to Christ for your worth, identity, and joy. He made the ultimate sacrifice for you to have life in Him. Enjoy it with confidence.