Life's Encouragement, MomLife

His plans >>> mine.

As I was prepping dinner today, I told Alexa to play worship music. Little did I know, she arranged a playlist (probably unknowingly) with a recurring theme: God’s sovereignty. His perfect plans. I was reminded of how much he intricately designs each moment in our lives for His glory. I thought about how He intimately calls us into faith-testing situations–trials, …

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Pump Pump Pump It Up

Let’s be honest. Nobody knows anything about pumping before you start doing it. It’s daunting. It’s overwhelming. And when you’re pumping for three babies, it’s terrifying. I’m here to (hopefully) alleviate some of your fears and answer your questions about pumping! Getting Started Luckily, you’ll likely have a support system in the hospital before you leave. You should be able …

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